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Beyond Strength Performance NOVA – Review

Goals are a powerful thing. They help us to achieve things that, at one point, seem either too distant or too abstract to ever seem real. They put a target at the end of the road that represents where we want to go or who we want to become. Although often idealistic, they push us to do things that might be uncomfortable in the moment for things that are worth it.

Oddly, very rarely do we ever follow through with our original plans. For example, most people decide at the beginning of the year that they are going to start working out or eating healthier.  We’ll start out on fire and then burn out before any real progress is made. Are we really that unmotivated? I don’t think so. The problem is that we tried to do it alone.

We all need someone in our corner when times get tough. Someone to tell us why we should keep going or give us advice on where to go next. But even deeper, we need to surround ourselves with people who get to know us and why our goals matter. This is where Beyond Strength Performance (BSP) comes in.

I have had the pleasure of getting to know the owners of BSP, Chris Merritt and Todd Bumgardner, over the last two months and have been blown away by how much they care about improving the lives of those around them. So, I thought I would outline some of the things that set them apart from other training facilities.

  • Personalized training programs that take into consideration personal client goals and current strength and movement abilities. All of which is based off of an in depth movement assessment to make sure your program is tailored to you in every way.
  • Brand spanking new training facility that offers every tool you need to get stronger and to move more efficiently.
  • REAL PEOPLE! These guys are the opposite of the impersonal and money hungry gym owners. They are fully invested in your success and will go out of their way to provide you with every opportunity to succeed.
  • The community at BSP cannot be compared to a chain or box gym. Every person, although on their own journey in strength and movement, takes to the time to welcome newcomers and make them feel comfortable. It’s not friendly, it’s family.
  • They offer the total package by providing nutrition services and a focus on mindset as well. Physical growth is one thing, but personal growth will come along for the ride.

I cannot recommend these guys enough! Your goals are important to you, so make an investment in yourself and go visit the good people down at Beyond Strength Performance. You’ll be glad you did!

Dr. Nate DC

