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No, your hip is not a shelf. It should not be used as one. Parents who are tired of their backs being broken by young children need to learn the Spider Monkey concept for carrying children.

Try holding something close to your chest. Now straighten your arms and hold it far away. The farther away from the center we move the more stress it puts on our bodies. Unless you are dealing with a seriously stinky diaper holding close is a much better strategy. There is no shelf on your hip....

Ice cubes used at beyond wellness, an acupuncturist in ashburn va

How and When to Use Ice

Ice decreases pain, spasm, and swelling. If you have: pain spasm swelling ice may be good treatment option for you. Basic instructions: • Apply to area for 10-15 minutes. • Remove when numb to the touch. • Repeat after 15 minutes if there is still pain, spasm, or swelling. There are 4 stages of sensation...

Twisted Ankle? Unsteady on Your Feet?

Have you twisted your ankle multiple times or feel unsteady on your feet? A simple exercise should help. Standing on one leg for 5 minutes daily for three months should help increase your ankle balance and stability. What is going on? Lateral ankle sprains are common injuries where your foot rolls to the outside edge...

Lateral Epicondylosis aka Tennis Elbow

If you are having pain in the elbow or wrist a common cause is: Tennis Elbow, sometimes called Lateral Epicondylosis. Now, this condition is no longer called epicondylitis because that would imply that the problem is caused by inflammation (“itis”). Surprisingly enough inflammation is how this condition, and many other musculoskeletal conditions heal. Anti-inflammatory medications...

visual of shoulder pain used by beyond wellness, a acupuncturists practice in ashburn va

Biceps Tendonitis

Biceps tendonitis is inflammation of the biceps tendon. The biceps have two origins, a long head and short head. The long head originates on the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula. The short head on the coracoid process of the scapula. The biceps is a bi-articulate muscle that crosses two joints, the shoulder and elbow joint....

visual of shoulder pain used by beyond wellness, a holistic healing practice in ashburn va

Adhesive Capsulitis

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is inflammation of the entire shoulder capsule and joint. This process is generally characterized by three different stages; freezing, frozen and thawing. These stages describe progressive pain and stiffness that restrict patients from moving the joint. The shoulder joint is a ball in socket joint that is formed...

Visual of shoulder blades fromm beyond wellness, a chiropractic office in ashburn va

Rotator Cuff

A rotator cuff strain results from over stretching or repetitive overuse of the rotator cuff muscles and tendons. The rotator cuff is a combination of four muscles: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis and teres minor. They originate on the scapula and attach to the humerus. These muscles help maintain stability of the scapula and the integrity of...